
Basic Solutions


…finding simple solutions to complex problems

    Computer networking and security


What is a Virus?

A virus is a executable program that spreads from one computer to another. A virus requires human help to spread. This "human" help can come from visiting a web site, downloading an email with a virus (in the pictures or files attached to the email), or loading pictures from a zip drive from another computer. 

Damage by viruses include:

Botnet (Zombie Computer) This virus loads on your computer and waits for a signal from a master server. Upon receiving the signal it can...

  • Corrupt Data
  • Erase Hard Drove
  • Email itself to other computers.

The Rustock botnet has between 1.2 and 1.7 million clones and sends 44 billion spam email per day!  No wonder you get so much SPAM!

A Worm....

A worm is a specific type of virus that can...

  • copy itself over a Local Area Network
  • read email address and send themselves to other computers
  • move from computer to computer without human interaction

Famous Worms:

...Conflicter (largest worm in the world)
...Sasser (Attacked the Iran Nuclear facility)

 A Trojan Horse

This is a type of program similar to a virus. Howerver, it is really a program that looks like something else. It may advertise a specific function like an anti-virus or picture editor. After you install the program you are asked to pay for an upgrade because the "free" version can't solve the problem. It won't go away and ads pop up everywhere on your computer.


Ransom Ware

A report on Cyber Crime developed by Dell Corp. stated that Cyber Crime is
no longer the effort of a "lone misguided youth in a hoody."  Cyber crime as become
a profession, run and managed by professionals. Gangs of cyber criminals are colaorating with each other to steal anything of value. Credit Card, social security, phone numbers, and much more personal information is available for purchase on "Hacking" websites.

Ransom Ware targets your data. After your computer is hacked the attacker encrypts your data so you can not get to it. Then, you are asked to pay for the "key" that decryps your data. Several major hospitals and companies have be hacked and forced to pay thousands of dollars to get their data back. Attacks on personal computers

BasicSolutions has a backup stradegy to help reduce the cost of a ransomeware attack. Click on "Ransomware Stradegy" in the tutorial list.