
Basic Solutions


…finding simple solutions to complex problems

    Computer networking and security


Basic Solutions

BasicSolutions offers in office/home and phone support for home users and businesses.


Many people are fortunate enough to have a friend or relative who can help with computer problems. If you don't know someone or you have a problem and they can't help then a BasicSolutions plan may be just what you need.

Here are some questions/problems

  • How do I backup all my files?
  • Does the backup I have protect me from "ransom ware?"
  • How do I set up my email? And, what are "POP" and "SMTP" server settings?
  • I got an email that says my account will be cancelled if I don't update my information. What should I do?
  • I want to learn more about "left click" and "right click".
  • I need help installing a new printer.
  • My internet modem is not working. What should I do?
  • What is the best way to keep from getting a virus?
  • I don't want to upgrade to Windows 11 or How can I uninstall Windows 11?

People spend hours talking to tech support and still don't get the problem solved. Most of the time the solution to problems is "Basic" and the real solution is simple.


These tutorials are designed to provide training and information. Sometimes they will be videos or powerpoint shows.Or, they may be articles on a specific computer area or problem.If you wish to submit a question or need infromation about a specific area (eg. "How do you set up styles in Microsoft Office?") send me an email with the question and I will include the answer as soon as I can.


Computer Tutorials